Amiga Tools 5
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LightsOff V1.10
(c) 1995 by Juergen Kempkes
Adapted from hand held game "LightsOut" (c) by Tiger Electronics Inc.
Legal stuff
LightsOff is shareware!
If you use it permanently, please send me a donation of US$ 5 (DM 10).
Bank account for money transfer (German users only):
J.Kempkes - BLZ 32050000 - KTNR 1017813 - Sparkasse Krefeld
LightsOff may be freely distributed as long as no charge is made other
than to cover time and copying costs. If it is to be distributed via floppy
disk, this cost should be not higher than DM 5.00. If distribution is via
CDRom, the total cost should be no more than DM 40.00.
You may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying
documentation unless you get permission from the author to do so. Fred Fish
and AmiNet already have my permission to include this program on their CDRom
You may not disassemble, decompile, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer
the program.
Finally if you wish to include LigthsOff on a disk magazine you are
REQUIRED to get the author's permission FIRST. Usually this will require
you to just send me a copy of the issue which contains LightsOff free of
This product is sold "as is" without representation or warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks and responsibilities
related to its use.
1- Workbench 2.1 or higher
2- MUI Version 11.x or higher (not included)
Copyright © by Stefan Stuntz (see ReadMe.mui)
You have just got one of the most addictive, brain boggling puzzle ever
created. The object of the game ist so simple... just switch the lights
off. It seems so easy... at first. The problem is that every press of a
button has an effect on the puzzle. Lights that are on will be switched off,
and "off" lights will turn on. (So, if you click a button that is on, it will
switch off. Conversely, touching an unlit button will cause it to light up.)
Moreover, when you click a button, it not only changes its own status, but
it also changes the adjacent buttons (those that are directly above, below,
or next to the pressed button. Every puzzle has a solution. Your goal is to
solve each puzzle in the fewest number of "moves", or steps.
The first puzzles are simple, to help you get a feel for the game, and get
the basic logic of "LightsOff". Later puzzles get progressively more
challenging, requiring a little more brain power to solve. Can you solve
all levels, especially in mode hazard ?
Some words to GUI
You should use the vector buttons. This results in nicer looking GUI.
If You use own images, please send them to me. Thank You.
The game
| 01 02 03 04 05 | Steps to solve : 6 |
| | |
| 06 07 08 09 10 | Number of steps : 0 |
| | |
| 11 12 13 14 15 | |
| | Difficulty : Normal |
| 16 17 18 19 20 | |
| | Level : Game 1 |
| 21 22 23 25 25 | |
| |
| Start Help Info Quit |
| |
The game is build from 25 button gadgets with the numbers above.
DIFFICULTY cycle gadget you can choose the difficulty of the game. There
are 4 difficulties of game :
EASY solve the level in any way
NORMAL solve the level in max. 10 steps more than allowed
HARD solve the level in max. 4 steps more than allowed
HAZARD solve the level in exact number of steps allowed.
LEVEL slider can choose from level 1 to highest level you reached. You're
level raises with every puzzle you have solved. With the slider it
is possible to go back to puzzles, that are already solved.
START will start the first game (the one you've tried last) or restarts
the actual game.
HELP gives you some hints for the first few puzzles. This function only
works twice and only if you have done nothing before. If you try
the first step yourself, there is no more help available.
Help is available up to level 50 in easy and normal mode. In
mode hard it is only available up to level 25 and not available
in mode hazard.
INFO pops up the copyright requester.
QUIT Quit the game. The number of the puzzle you have worked on last will
be stored and you can continue at the same puzzle next time.
You should solve the puzzle in the minimum number of steps displayed on the
board. If you solve your puzzle in more then the minimum numbers of steps,
it might be, you can't move to the next puzzle. If you need more steps
than allowed (10 in normal mode, 4 in hard mode and none in hazard mode)
you have to try again. In this case a cross will be shown and after a short
time the puzzle is displayed again.
If you need more steps than needed, the additional number of steps will be
shown on the gamefield. If you solve the puzzle in the minimum number of steps
a victory pattern will be displayed on the board and the next puzzle is displayed.
Solving a puzzle (example)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| x | | x | | x |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Step 1 : When you start, buttons 11,13 and 15 are switched on.
Click button 16.
Clicking on button 16 caused button 11 to switch off and the
buttonss next and below it, 17 and 21, to switch on.
Buttons 13 and 15 are not affected.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | x | | x |
| x | x | | | |
| x | | | | |
Step 2 : Button 11 is now off, but 13, 15, 16, 17 and 21 are on.
Click button 18.
Buttons 18, 19 and 23 will be switched on. Button 13 and 17
will be switched off and buttons 15, 16 and 21 stay the same.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | x |
| x | | x | x | |
| x | | x | | |
Step 3 : Buttons 15, 16, 18, 19, 21 and 23 are on.
Click button 20.
Now buttons 15 and 19 have switched off. Button 20 and 25
are now switched on, and buttons 16, 18, 21 and 23 remained the
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| x | | x | | x |
| x | | x | | x |
Step 4 : Click button 21.
Now button 22 is on. Buttons 16 and 21 shut off, and
buttons 18, 20, 23 and 25 remained the same.
You notice that there is a general movement of lights to the
right side of the game board. This is a good strategy to follow
to cormer the lights so they are in a better position to be
shut off.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | x | | x |
| | x | x | | x |
Step 5 : Click button 23.
Now buttons 20, 24 and 25 are on. Now you have 3 lights
to go.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | x |
| | | | x | x |
Step 6 : This is your final move. The only lights on the board are
20, 24 and 25.
Click button 25.
All lights are now switched off in the minimum number of
moves! You should see a "victory" pattern of lights chasing
around the entire display - now you can move on to the next puzzle.
03.12.1995 V1.00 First official release.
03.12.1995 V1.01 Fixed a bug in solving highest levels.
Changed HELP. Now help in hard mode only available
up to level 25 and no longer available in mode
hazard. This makes it a bit more difficult ;-)
05.12.1995 V1.02 Some small bugfixes.
26.12.1996 V1.10 Rewritten some of the code. This shorts code
aprox. 8 K and is a bit saver at all.